Massive Sinkhole Swallows Part of Illinois Soccer Field, No Injuries Reported

Massive Sinkhole Swallows Part of Illinois Soccer Field, No Injuries Reported

This week, a massive 100-foot-wide sinkhole emerged in a soccer field at Gordon Moore Park in Alton, Illinois, dramatically swallowing a light pole and bleachers. The incident, captured on video, shows a cloud of smoke as the ground collapses, taking with it the area designated for benched players and a stadium light pole.

The event occurred on Wednesday, and fortunately, no injuries were reported since the field was not in use at the time. The sinkhole measures approximately 100 feet in width and 30 feet in depth. Following the collapse, Alton Mayor David Goins informed KSDK, an NBC affiliate, that no one was hurt.

As a precaution, the Alton Parks and Recreation Department temporarily closed Gordon Moore Park and canceled all events and programs for Wednesday and Thursday. The sinkhole is believed to have been caused by an underground mine in the area. A representative from New Frontier Materials, the company that owns the mine, stated that the affected area would remain off-limits while inspectors and experts evaluate the situation and undertake repairs.

"Safety is our top priority. We will work with the city to remediate this issue as quickly and safely as possible to ensure minimal impact on the community," the spokesperson said. New Frontier Materials did not immediately respond to a request for comment from NBC Chicago.

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