Preparing for the Syro-Malabar Church Assembly: What to Know

Preparing for the Syro-Malabar Church Assembly: What to Know

From August 22 to 25, 2024, the Fifth Major Archiepiscopal Assembly of the Syro-Malabar Church will be held at the Pala Alphonsian Pastoral Institute, organized in accordance with ecclesiastical norms and procedures. The attempts by certain individuals to propagate discussions and statements contrary to this are entirely misleading.

The decision to convene the church assembly in August 2024 was made during the Synod Assembly held in January 2022. As the number of dioceses and religious communities both within India and abroad has significantly increased, the number of representatives to the Major Archiepiscopal Assembly has also correspondingly grown. To make the assembly more effective and achieve its established objectives, the need to reduce the number of participants was discussed during the Synod Assembly held from August 16 to 25, 2022. It was decided to proportionally reduce the number of representatives and to task the Canonical Committee with proposing necessary amendments to the special laws. The proposed suggestions and amendments were to be submitted to the Holy See for approval. On February 6, 2024, Pope Francis approved the amended special laws, bringing these regulations into effect.

On January 14, 2023, the Lineamenta, a document outlining the topics for study by the Fifth Major Archiepiscopal Assembly, was published. This document was sent to all dioceses, religious communities, and seminaries for discussion and reporting. Diocesan assemblies and similar committees in dioceses unable to hold assemblies were asked to discuss and provide feedback. The reports, prepared through studies conducted at various levels in dioceses, religious communities, and seminaries, were received at the church headquarters by March 31, 2024.

Representatives from the dioceses of South India met at Mount St. Thomas in Kakkanad, while representatives from North Indian dioceses met at the Ujjain Pastoral Centre. Representatives from dioceses outside India, apostolic visitations, and other expatriate communities participated both online and in-person, offering their suggestions. Additionally, the study document was discussed with representatives of youth and faith educators under the assembly committee’s leadership. Based on the reports received, the Instrumentum Laboris, or working document, was also published.

Representatives of clergy, religious, and laity from all dioceses are currently studying the Instrumentum Laboris in preparation for the assembly. Everyone should be aware of and recognize those who attempt to create confusion among the faithful and the general public regarding the Major Archiepiscopal Assembly, which the Syro-Malabar Church is eagerly anticipating with prayerful hope.

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