Saint Jean Gabriel Perboyre

Saint Jean Gabriel Perboyre

Born on January 6, 1802, in Puech, France, St. Jean Gabriel came from a devout family of eight children. Five of the Perboyer children, including Jean Gabriel, became consecrated religious: two nuns and three priests. At 16, Jean-Gabriel recognized his calling and joined the Congregation of the Mission, established by St. Vincent de Paul, following his younger brother Louis as he entered the seminary.

Due to the holiness his superiors perceived in him, he was ordained at the age of 23 and taught theology at the seminary before being named rector and then master of novices in Paris.

When Louis, his younger brother, passed away at the age of 24 while traveling to China to preach, Jean-Gabriel was asked to take over the mission that his brother had been given. On August 29, 1835, he landed on the island of Macau and later that year departed for the mainland.

Before moving to Hou-Pé, he spent three years performing his missionary labors in Ho-Nan. In the brief time he was there, his missions yielded great results.

One of the earliest victims of the persecutions against Christians, Jean-Gabriel passed away on September 11, 1839, in a manner that was remarkably comparable to our Lord's passion. He was deceived for an amount of silver, had his clothes taken off, was hauled from trial to tribunal, subjected to constant beatings and torture, and eventually received the death penalty alongside seven other criminals. He was killed on a cross by crucifixion.

St. Jean Gabriel Perboyre, who was canonized on June 2, 1996 by Pope John Paul II, is China's first saint.

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