Saint Gildas the Wise

Saint Gildas the Wise

St. Gildas was likely born circa 517 in Northern England or Wales. His father was named Cau (or Nau), hailing from a noble family, and he probably had multiple siblings. Some writings indicate that one of his siblings, Cuil (or Hueil), was slain by King Arthur (who passed away in 537 AD), and it seems that Gildas might have pardoned Arthur for this action.

Two narratives exist regarding the life of St. Gildas the Wise, and neither conveys the same tale.

He resided during an era when the splendor of Rome had diminished in Britain. Maximus had pulled back the permanent legions, which he employed to plunder Rome and proclaim himself Emperor.

Gildas was especially recognized for his devoutness and sound education, and he was unafraid to openly admonish current monarchs when slander was met with a sword instead of a Court ruling.

Gildas spent many years as an extremely ascetic hermit on Flatholm Island located in the Bristol Channel. There he built his reputation for that distinct Celtic brand of holiness characterized by intense self-denial and solitude. Around this period, the Welsh says he also preached to Nemata, St David's mother, while she was expecting the Saint.

Around 547, he authored De Excidio Britanniae (The Destruction of Britain). In this, he narrates a short story about the island from before Roman influence and condemns the island's leaders for their loose ethics, attributing their vices (and those that occur later) to the downfall of civilization in Britain. The book was explicitly crafted as a moral story.

He additionally composed a more extensive piece, the Epistle, which consists of a collection of sermons addressing the moral looseness of both rulers and clergy. In these, Gildas demonstrates that he was knowledgeable about the Bible and several other classical texts.

He was likewise a highly influential minister. Due to his trips to Ireland and the significant missionary efforts he undertook, he played a key role in the conversion of many individuals on the island and might have introduced anchorite traditions to the monks in that region.

From that point, he withdrew from Llancarfan to Rhuys in Brittany, where he established a monastery. Among his writings on monastery management (one of the earliest recognized in the Christian Church), only the Penitential, a manual for Abbots regarding penalties, remains.

He passed away approximately in 571, at Rhuys.

He is considered one of the most significant figures in the early English Church. His writing had an impact that lasted well into the medieval period, especially within the Celtic Church. He is important to us today as the earliest British author whose creations have remained largely intact.

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