Saint of the Day

Feast of our Lady of Loreto

Our Lady of Loreto is the title of the statue of Virgin Mary found in the Holy House. Mary was born in this house, and it was here that the Annunciation occurred. Tradition says that a b...

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Saint Sabbas of Mar Saba

Sabbas, in Church parlance Saint Sabbas, was a Cappadocian Greek monk, priest and saint, who was born in Cappadocia and lived mainly in Palaestina Prima. He was the founder of several convents, mos...

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Saint Laverius

Saint Leonard of Port Maurice

Leonard was born 19 December 1676, the son of Domenico Casanova and Anna Maria Benza. He was named Paul Jerome Casanova. His father was a ship captain whose family lived in Port Maurice on the nort...

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