Saint of the Day

St. Agnes of Montepulciano: Saint of the Day, April 20

St. Agnes was born around 1268 in Tuscany, Italy. At the age of nine, she entered into convent life through the Dominican convent at Montepulciano.She lived a life of great austerities at th...

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Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus: Saint of the Day, April 14

The Church celebrates the lives of these three saints in union owing to their joint martyrdom. In the third century, Valerian married a young woman Cecilia who was from a wealthy Itali...

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Saint Zeno
Saint Mary of Egypt
Saint Dionysius
Saint Celestine Pope

Saint Vincent Ferrer

Vincent Ferrer was born in Valencia, Spain, on January 23, 1357. He joined the Order of St. Dominic in a monastery near to his home town in 1374. After completion of his studies, he was commissione...

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