Saint of the Day

Saint Celestine Pope

Pope Saint Celestine was born in the Campania, Rome, in 376. He was elected as Pope on Sept. 10, 422, to succeed Pope Boniface I. Celestine was founder of the papal diplomatic service and a close f...

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Saint Hugh Of Grenoble

Saint Hugh was born in 1053 at Chateauneuf, Dauphiné, France. He was son of a soldier named Odilo, a man known for his Christian life. His mother was a pious lady, who was known for her life of pra...

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Saint John Climacus
Saint John of Egypt

Saint Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo : Saint of the Day, March 23

Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo was a 16th century Spanish missionary to the new world who defended the rights of Latin American natives. He was born a noble family in Spain, and capitalize...

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