St. John of Sahagun

In the Province of Leon, at Sahagn (or San Facondo), St. John was born in the year 1419. Juan González del Castrillo and Sancha Martnez were his parents, and they were wealthy family in the city. A...

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St. Paul of Constantinople

During the period of fierce conflict in the Church over the Arian heresy, Saint Paul served as the Bishop of Constantinople. He was chosen in 336 to succeed Alexander of Constantinople, but Emperor...

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Saint Norbert
St. Boniface of Mainz
Saint Francis Caracciolo
Saint Petronilla
Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Bona of Pisa

In 1156, in the Italian city of Pisa, St. Bona was born. She was the child of a single mother and she had heard that her father had disappeared while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. She was highl...

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