Saint of the Day Desk

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

The annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Gabriel the Archangel was the divine message to her that she was to be the Mother of God (Luke 1) and that the Word being made flesh through the power...

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Saint Cuthbert: Saint of the Day, March 20

Cuthbert was born in AD 634 somewhere in the British Isles, probably in the neighbourhood of Melrose. As a boy he used to tend sheep on the mountain-sides near the monastery of Melrose. He was orph...

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Saint Eulogius of Cordoba: Saint of the Day, March 11

Eulogius was son of a senatorial family from Cordoba, Spain. According to his friend and biographer Paul Alvarez, Eulogius was gentle, reverent, well-educated, steeped in Scripture, and a humble pe...

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