Marvel at God’s Creation Like Little Children, Says Pope Francis

Pope Francis welcomed the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus and encouraged them to think about the prayer Jesus offers to the Father in the Gospel, thanking the Lord fo...

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St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

The Catholic Church honors Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria on July 5. He established the priestly order currently known as the Barnabites and was a well-known preacher and advocate for Eucharistic ador...

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St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Thomas The Apostle
St. Peter
St. Irenaeus

St. Joseph Cafasso

Joseph Cafasso was born in the Piedmont town of Castelnuovo d'Asti in 1811. His parents came from a poor family. When he was only a young child, he already displayed the sanctity and apostolic zeal...

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