Saint Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia, dubbed “an expert in suffering” and “a disciple of the Crucified One” by the late John Paul II, celebrates her feast day on May 22. St. Rita, sometimes referred to as...

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Saint Paschal Baylon

On May 24, 1540, Paschal was born in Torre-Hermosa, in the Kingdom of Aragon. Paschal was named after the Feast of Pentecost, which is known as "the Pasch of the Holy Ghost" in Spain, where he was ...

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Saint Andrew Bobola
Saint Isidore the Farmer
Our Lady of Fatima
Saint Ignatius of Laconi
Saint George Preca
Saint Peter of Tarantaise
Saint Rose Venerini

Saint Dominic Savio

On April 2, 1842, Dominic Savio was born in the northern Italian village of Riva. His mother worked as a seamstress, and his father was a blacksmith. He had a total of nine siblings. Despite their ...

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