Nearly 5000 teachers in Kerala not vaccinated; get jabs or stay at home, says minister

Nearly 5000 teachers in Kerala not vaccinated; get jabs or stay at home, says minister

Thiruvananthapuram: Minister for Education V Sivankutty said that the matter of uninoculated teachers will be brought under the notice of the Health Department. V Sivankutty said that school managements are forcing uninoculated teachers to come to schools. Out of 1.85 lakh teachers, almost 5000 of them still haven’t received their vaccines. The minister also said that the teachers who haven’t received the vaccine need not come to school and that they must stay at home.

A considerable number of teachers among this group are reluctant to administer the vaccine due to religious and health related issues. The government had issued instructions stating that all teachers must get vaccinated before the reopening of schools. But even after a month since the reopening of schools, many teachers still haven’t received the vaccine.

The minister reiterated that these teachers must get vaccinated soon or the matter will be brought to the notice of the Health Department and the Covid high-level committee. He added that the teachers have been asked to complete t

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