Rare Italian honey is anything but sweet

Rare Italian honey is anything but sweet

Sardinia: Found more than 2,000 years ago on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, the corbezzolo honey is derived from the flowering of the wild strawberry tree. What sets it apart is that it tastes unusually bitter, far from the sweet taste that honey is known for.

Taste aside, corbezzolo honey is not just nutrient-rich with vitamins and minerals but also has anti-inflammatory properties. With many of its citizens living more than 100 years, perhaps this ‘jewel in a jar’ could be the secret behind their longevity.

A recent study in Spain discovered that in a lab test, the growth and division of colon cancer cells decreased upon the use of corbezzolo honey, as was published in the Journal of Functional Foods. It is not surprising then, that honey has been used in traditional medicine to treat cough, induce sleep and as an anti-diarrheal.

While one may wonder what causes the unique taste, a binding molecule called glycoside arbutin present in the corbezzolo honey could possibly be what renders the distinct bitterness to this honey with a complex flavour profile.

Often drizzled over desserts or paired with milk cheese and red wine, tasting this extraordinary variety of honey forms an essential part of experiencing Sardinian culture.

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