Large kites harness world’s strongest winds

Large kites harness world’s strongest winds

Humongous sails line the white beaches of Mauritius, ones similar to what paragliders use, only much larger. Though from afar they look like a tourist attraction, this next generation of wind power is in fact generating electricity for the power grid off the east coast of Africa.

SkySails Power, a company of German origin launched this enormous wing in December 2021, and is the world’s first fully autonomous commercial “airborne wind energy” system. The company says it has harnessed a little less than its goal of 100 kilowatts (sufficient to supply to 50 homes) over the last two months.

With the world heading towards net-zero emissions in future, dozens of establishments and some academic institutions are delving into a whole new world of airborne solutions. There are soft wings which convert the tug and pull on a kite’s string to energy as well as a sophisticated rigid craft carrying turbines and generators which shuttle power down a restrain.

However, kites would not substitute conventional wind generation. It’s advantageous that it’s comparatively economical, easy to carry to a remote location and adjustable height to name a few. They’re simply lighter and simpler in material and cost, though the technology would require a lot more iterations before it could play a role in the nation’s energy solution.

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