Former Supreme Court Judge Justice Kurian Joseph to intervene in Nimisha Priya’s release

Former Supreme Court Judge Justice Kurian Joseph to intervene in Nimisha Priya’s release

New Delhi: Former Supreme Court judge Justice Kurien Joseph will intervene to release Nimisha Priya, a native of Kollengode, Palakkad, who is sentenced to death in Yemen.

Justice Kurian Joseph will coordinate the discussions with the family of the Yemeni citizen. He will lead the ‘'Save Nimisha Forum's efforts to save the nurse from the death penalty.

The group will include former diplomats. It is reported that the mission will be carried out by two groups. Attempts are being made to secure her release through charity organisations.

Her mother and eight-year-old daughter approached the Ministry of External Affairs seeking permission to visit Priya while she is in jail after being sentenced to death.

The purpose of the trip is to reach Yemen and try to meet Nimisha priya, and also meet with the family of the slain Yemeni citizen Talal. The duo hope to secure her release by apologising to the victim’s family, and thus avoid the death penalty.

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