Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

Saint of the day - August 2

Eusebius of Vercelli was a bishop from Sardinia, and along with Athanasius, he affirmed the divinity of Jesus against Arianism.

He was born in Sardinia, on 2 March, 283. Eusebius had learned the Christian faith from his father, who died as a martyr in Sardinia. After his father's death, Eusebius grew up in Rome where he was ordained a lector. The people of Vercelli was very much impressed by the way he served their Church and Eusebius was eventually chosen as their bishop.

Pope Liberius noticed his abilities and sent him on a mission to the Emperor Constantius II to try to resolve the troubles between Arians and Catholics. Constantius convened a council in Milan in 355. The powerful Arians made this peace council into a condemnation of Saint Athanasius, their chief opponent. Eusebius, unafraid of their power, slapped the Nicene Creed down on the table and demanded that everyone sign that before condemning Athanasius. The Nicene Creed, adopted by a council of the full Church, proclaims that Jesus is one in being with the Father, directly contradicting the Arian teaching.

The emperor then tried to force Eusebius, Saint Dionysius of Milan and Lucifer of Cagliari to condemn Athanasius to death. However, they refused to condemn Athanasius, who was standing for the truth. Instead of putting them to death, the emperor exiled them all.

While in exile in Scythopolis in Palestine, Eusebius lived with the only Catholic in town. The Arians persecuted him, and once, they stripped him half naked and dragged him through the streets to a tiny cell.

Eusebius was exiled to two other places, before Constantius' successor Julian let him and the other exiled bishops to return home in 361. Eusebius spent his last years working hard to counteract the damage the Arians had done and continued to do.

After working with Athanasius and taking part in councils, Eusebius became a latter-day Saint Paul, travelling all over in order to strengthen the faith and spread the truth.

Eusebius died on August 1, 371.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Peter of Osma
2. Saint Thomas of Dover
3. Saint Maximus of Padua
4. Saint Peter Julian Eymard
5. Saint Boetharius

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