The Importance Of Mental Health

 The Importance Of Mental Health

We have always approached physical and mental health differently, owing to the fact that we were unaware of the connection between them.

However, as science and research have progressed over time, there is significant proof of a link between the mind and body, as well as the environment we live in. When discussing health, it is critical to remember that physical health, mental health, and spiritual health are all interconnected, which indicates that if one of the aspects suffers, the others will suffer as well.

Many disciplines or fields of science, such as neuroscience, developmental psychopathology, interpersonal neurobiology, psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, and epigenetics, to name a few, have produced evidence demonstrating how our mental and emotional well-being, as well as our environment, affect our physical health.

Conditions like inflamed skin, joints, and intestines are all treated with steroids, which are copies of cortisol, the stress hormone. When treating these disorders with the stress hormone, we should keep in mind that stress may be at the root of many of these conditions. Mental illnesses are regarded as major risk factors for heart attacks, neurological issues, cancer, and other diseases.

However, because our physical health and financial stability are our top priorities, mental health frequently takes a back seat. This could be due to a lack of awareness and knowledge, as well as misconceptions and stigma surrounding this aspect of life. We tend to set age or gender limits, consider only major mental health issues as dangers, or do not consider mental health as a need or necessity.

If we address mental health as we do physical health, we can greatly improve the quality of our lives, including our life expectancy. We don't usually wait for our physical health to deteriorate before we begin caring for our bodies. The same is true for our mental health. And it is past time to incorporate counseling or therapy into our daily lives.

The scope of therapy is not confined to major mental diseases. People seek therapy to gain a better understanding of themselves, to recover or heal, to grow or transform. There are endless possibilities in therapy, as there are numerous therapeutic approaches that can be used to treat a wide range of problems, from stress and anxiety to mental diseases.

The actual change begins when we learn to read our symptoms not only as problems to be overcome but as messages to be heeded. Because our symptoms can reveal a lot about the underlying causes, in therapy, you not only learn about your problems but also that you are in control rather than a victim.

This is crucial information because "the relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have" (Robert Holden). By prioritising our mental health, we improve not only our own lives but also the lives of others around us. And prevention can only begin when stigma is replaced with support.

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