St. Thomas of Villanova

St. Thomas of Villanova

On September 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Thomas of Villanova, an archbishop and Spanish Augustinian monk who lived a life of frugality in the sixteenth century to meet the temporal and spiritual needs of his people.

Thomas Garcia, who was born in 1488 in the village of Villanova de los Infantes in the Spanish province of Castile, was brought up to follow the religious and benevolent practices of his parents Alphonsus and Lucia. His father, a mill worker, and mother both provided food and supplies to the destitute regularly.

Thomas, who started his studies at the University of Alcala at age 16, was a talented student who was also generous and pious from a young age. Within 10 years, he had advanced to the post of philosophy professor at the same institution, where he served as an instructor for two years before accepting a more esteemed job at the University of Salamanca.

He, however, decided against pursuing a career in academia. He made the decision to leave the majority of his wealth to the underprivileged and ill after his father passed away rather than keeping it for himself. After much thought, Thomas joined the monastic Order of St. Augustine at the age of 28 and adopted a life of chastity, poverty, and religious observance.

In 1517, Thomas took his first vows as an Augustinian, and two years later, he was consecrated a priest. He was a theology instructor for his order and was well-known for his persuasive preaching in Salamanca's churches. This resulted in Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor, choosing him to serve as a court preacher and advisor.

When given the chance to become an archbishop, Thomas originally turned it down and chose to carry on with his work for the Order of St. Augustine, which was then expanding into Mexico. However, he was compelled to accept his appointment as the Archbishop of Valencia by his superiors in August 1544.

Thomas arrived dressed in the same well-worn monastic habit he had worn for many years. He received a grant to adorn his home, but instead of using it for decoration, he donated the funds to a hospital that needed repairs. After being appointed, he went to the nearby prisons and issued orders to improve the horrible conditions there.

The archbishop labored to enhance the spiritual lives and living situations of the faithful while continuing his life of monastic discipline. He paid particular attention to the needs of the underprivileged, feeding and housing them at his home. He also worked to advance education, reinstate religious orthodoxy, and alter clergy and laypeople's lifestyles during this time.

At the conclusion of a Mass celebrated in his home on September 8, 1555, St. Thomas of Villanova, the Archbishop of Valencia for 11 years, passed away from a heart condition. He insisted on offering his bed to a homeless man who had come to his residence, therefore it is reported that he died on the floor rather than in it. In 1658, Pope Alexander VII canonized him.

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