Saint Osanna Andreasi

Saint Osanna Andreasi

St. Osanna was a Dominican tertiary who devoted her adult life to helping the ill and impoverished while providing spiritual guidance. However, she was also a mystic and a visionary, and she finally bore the stigmata's anguish and red scars, but no bleeding.

She was born into an aristocratic Italian family in 1449. When she was just five, she initially started having visions of the Trinity and angels. She felt compelled to pursue a monastic life and became a tertiary at 17, after rejecting a marriage proposal her father brought.

She had visions and frequent ecstasies throughout her adult life. She also vigorously criticized the lack of morality prevalent in her era. In 1505, she passed away.

Other Saints of the Day
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Saint Fortunatus
Saint Gregory Barbarigo
Saint Elizabeth of Schonau

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