Saint of the Day

Saint Gerald of Aurillac, Patron Saint of Bachelors

Gerald of Aurillac is a French saint of the Roman Catholic Church. He was born into the Gallo-Roman nobility. His father was Count Gerard, and his mother was Saint Adeltrude of Aurillac. Read More

Saint Simeon Senex, the Righteous

Simeon the Righteous, also known as Simeon the Elder, Simeon Senex (senex means “the old man”), or Holy Simeon is the "just and devout" man of Jerusalem who met the Virgin Mary, Joseph and Jesus as...

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Saint Libaire the Great
Saint Theodore Guerin

Feast of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; the Archangels

God the Father has given us his Son on the cross as the supreme example of sacrificial love; yet it is not enough for God. Hence, “He has given his angels charge over you to guard you in all your w...

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