All Souls Day

The commemoration of all the faithful departed is celebrated by the Church on November 2, or, if this falls on a Sunday or a solemnity, the feast is celebrated on November 3. The Office of the Dead...

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Saint Simon and Saint Jude

The life of St. Simon, who had been referred to as a Zealot, after Pentecost is not well understood. He is believed to have joined St. Jude in Persia after preaching in Egypt. He is frequently seen...

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Saint Anthony Mary Claret
Saint John of Capistrano
Pope Saint John Paul II
Saint Bertilla Boscardin
Saint Luke, Evangelist
Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

In July of 1647, Margaret Mary Alacoque was born. Margaret's parents, Claude and Philiberte, were simple but moral people who raised a devout youngster who placed a strong emphasis on God. Margaret...

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