Saint Lea

St. Lea lived from approximately 350 to 384 AD, in the late 4th and early 5th centuries. She was born in Italy, in Rome. It's thought that her name originated from the Hebrew feminine name Leah, w...

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Saint Patrick of Ireland

Legends about Patrick abound; but truth is best served by our seeing two solid qualities in him: He was humble and he was courageous. The determination to accept suffering and success with equal in...

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Saint Abban
Saint Louise de Marillac
Saint Matilda
Saint Theophanes
Saint Sophronius
Saint John Ogilvie

Saint John of God

John was born in 1495 to middle-class parents in Portugal. Unfortunately, at the age of eight, he was abducted by a stranger and ultimately left homeless in a lonely section of Spain. He worked as ...

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