Churches in South Korea Pledge To Be Carbon Neutral

Following news of growing climate dangers around the world, churches in South Korea are pledging to work towards "carbon neutrality". According to the Vatican's Fides news agency, the Ca...

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Pope Francis: Pray To The Holy Spirit Daily

Pope Francis emphasized in his sermon at the Mass on the Solemnity of Pentecost held in Saint Peter's Basilica how the Holy Spirit moves in the world he created, in the Church, and our hearts, givi...

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Saint Bona of Pisa
Saint Mariana de Paredes
Saint Rita

Pope Sends Heartfelt Prayers to Everyone Affected by the Italian Floods

The Emilia-Romagna area and eastern regions of northern Italy were hit hard by unusual, torrential rains that caused floods and landslides, killing fourteen people and forcing hundreds more to flee...

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