Remain Faithful Even In The Face of Adversity, Says Pope Francis

Jesus urges you to be committed to what matters despite the expense, sacrifice, or fear involved and He will take care of the rest. This was the main message of Pope Francis' Sunday Angelus address...

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God Knows His Children And Is Always Near Them, Says Pope Francis

By thanking everyone for their love, concern, and fervent support during his stay at Rome's Gemelli Hospital, Pope Francis began his Sunday Angelus message. The weekly gathering of believers and to...

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St. Deodatus of Nevers
St. John Francis Regis
St. John of Sahagun
St. Ephrem

Pope Francis: People Who Share God's Love Through Their Daily Actions Are Missionaries

Pope Francis continued his catechesis series on saints who exemplified apostolic enthusiasm when he described St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of the missions, on Wednesday during his weekly Gener...

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