Saint Godric of Finchale

Godric was born in Norfolk, in 1065, to humble beginnings. He spent his youth as a merchant mariner and very much lived the life of a sailor. During one voyage he visited the Island of Lindisfarne ...

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Saint John the Silent

St. John the Silent, named for his love of solitude, came from a prominent Armenian family. At eighteen, he built a monastery and for a decade led ten young companions in a life of devotion and har...

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Saint Ignatius of Laconi
Saint Pachomius
Saint Agostino Roscelli
Saint John Houghton
Saint Pius V the Pope
Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

"If one were to consider how much Jesus has suffered, one would not commit the smallest sin" – Saint Gianna Molla St. Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian pediatrician born in Mage...

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