Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ

Fare Well or Fare Forward? The Human Dilemma

An ocean was raging in his soul and in the silence of the night when the howls of dogs sent a woeful presage through the air, Arjuna, the peerless warrior walked towards the playgrounds of Kurukshe...

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Cutting the Chord; the need "to get a life"

The creator of the first smartphone in history tells users to "get a life" because he is astounded by how much time people currently squander on their gadgets. Martin Cooper, 92, made the statement...

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Drawn to the Downtrodden
The Power of Narrative
Dignified Life for All

Ireland's Abortion Review: Measures to be taken to prevent a whitewash

Dublin : Three years down the line, after the legalization of abortion laws in the Republic of Ireland, the government has decided to review the current scenario. The review will examine the effect...

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