Saint of the Day

Saint John the silent, Bishop of Colonia : Saint of the Day, May 13

St. John the Silent, named for his love of solitude, came from a prominent Armenian family. His father Encratius and mother Euphemia were Orthodox Christians known throughout Armenia for their weal...

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Saint Peter of Tarentaise - Saint of the Day, May 8

Saint Peter of Tarentaise O.Cist (1102-1174) Cistercian Religious Monk, Archbishop of Tarentaise from 1141 until his death, Abbot, Apostle of Charity, Miracle-worker. Born 1102 at Saint-Maurice-l...

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Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen: Saint of the Day, April 24

St. Fidelis was born Mark Rey in 1577 in Germany. He studied law and practiced as an attorney. He became known as “the poor man’s lawyer” because of his concern for the unprivileged. Unsati...

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