Saint of the Day

Saint Anicetus the Pope: Saint of the Day, April 17

Saint Anicetus was a Syrian from Emesa (modern-day Homs, Syria) who became pope in 155. He was the 11th pope of the Church and was elected after Pope Saint Pius was martyred. Polycarp ...

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Saint Zeno

Saint Zeno of Verona was born in the year 300, in Mauretania, North Africa. He was a follower of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria and Zeno  accompanied him to Verona, Italy, by around 340. ...

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Saint Michael De Sanctis
Saint Mary of Egypt
Saint Celestine Pope
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Isidore of Seville

Saint Richard

Richard was born in 1197, in the little town of Wyche, near Worcester, England. He and his elder brother were left orphans as they lost both their parents when young. Richard had to give up what he...

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