Saint Januarius

During Emperor Diocletian's persecution, St. Januarius, who was born in Italy, served as the bishop of Benevento. Bishop Januarius paid two laymen and two deacons a visit in prison. Then, he was lo...

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Saint Jean Gabriel Perboyre

Born on January 6, 1802, in Puech, France, St. Jean Gabriel came from a devout family of eight children. Five of the Perboyer children, including Jean Gabriel, became consecrated religious: two nun...

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Saint Peter Claver
Saint Rosalia
Saint Monica

Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

There was a significant upsurge in devotion to the Mother of God during the 20th century. The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was established by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854, several decades...

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