Pope Francis: People Who Share God's Love Through Their Daily Actions Are Missionaries

Pope Francis continued his catechesis series on saints who exemplified apostolic enthusiasm when he described St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of the missions, on Wednesday during his weekly Gener...

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Churches in South Korea Pledge To Be Carbon Neutral

Following news of growing climate dangers around the world, churches in South Korea are pledging to work towards "carbon neutrality". According to the Vatican's Fides news agency, the Ca...

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Saint Petronilla
Saint Bona of Pisa
Saint Mariana de Paredes

Saint Joanna

In the first century, a layperson named Joanna lived. She was the spouse of Chuza, the steward and tetrarch of Galilee for King Herod Antipas. She helped the Lord during His public ministry, along ...

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