Saint Gasper Bertoni

In 1777, St. Gasper was born in Verona, Italy. The following day after his birth, he was baptized. It is known that he came from a wealthy family with a very distinguished religious life. Read More

Saint Maximinus

Born at Silly, close to Poitiers, Saint Maximinus served as the Bishop of Trier. He died there on either May 29, 352, or September 12, 349. St. Agritius, whom he replaced as Bishop of Trier in 332 ...

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Saint Julia of Corsica
Saint Paschal Baylon
Saint Isidore the Farmer

Our Lady of Fatima

The apparition of Our Lady to the three shepherd children in 1917 in the little Portuguese town of Fatima is commemorated on May 13. Between May 13, 1917, and October 13, 1917, she made six appear...

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