Saint of the Day

Saint Catharine of Bologna

Some Franciscan saints led fairly public lives; Catharine represents the saints who served the Lord in obscurity. Born in Bologna, Catharine was related to the nobility in Ferrara, and w...

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Saint Casimir of Poland

Casimir Jagiellon was born in 1458 as the third of thirteen children to Poland's King Casimir IV and his wife Elizabeth of Austria. The priest and historian John Dlugosz, who taught him and some of...

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Saint Katharine Drexel
Saint Angela of the Cross
Saint David of Wales
Saint Oswald
Saint Hilary, Pope
Saint Anne Line
Saint Isabel of France

Saint Victorinus

On February 24, the Church remembers St. Victorinus. Not much is known about the life and history St. Victorinus, but we do know that he died in 284 A.D. as a martyr with companions. He was a citiz...

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