St. Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra

“Without the cross we cannot live wherever we go, because the religious life is a life of sacrifice and of abnegation” - St. Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra The eldest daught...

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Saint Louise de Marillac

On August 15, 1591, St. Louise de Marilac was born in the French town of Meux. After attending the Dominican convent in Poissy, Louise realized she was meant for a life of religious observance. Lou...

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Saint Matilda
Saint Roderick
Saint Theophanes
Saint John Ogilvie
Saint John of God

Saint Colette

Born in Corby Abbey in Picardy, France, on January 13, 1380, Colette was the daughter of a carpenter by the name of DeBoilet. She was baptized Nicolette, and given the nickname Colette. At seventee...

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