Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

St. Cyril is revered for both his vast knowledge of the Bible and his forbearance in the face of misinterpretation and hostility. In addition to celebrating him as a saint on March 18, Eastern Cath...

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Saint Colette

Born in Corby Abbey in Picardy, France, on January 13, 1380, Colette was the daughter of a carpenter by the name of DeBoilet. She was baptized Nicolette, and given the nickname Colette. At seventee...

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Saint Casimir of Poland
Saint Hilary, Pope
Saint Isabel of France
Saint Peter Damian
St. Onesimus
Saint Valentine

St. Julian the Hospitaller

Popular in Western Europe, St. Julian the Hospitaller, sometimes known as "the Poor Man," was born into a prosperous and noble family in the early 4th century. According to a legend, Jul...

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