Saint Catherine of Siena

Catherine was the twenty-third child born to Jacopo and Lapa Benincasa, on March 25, 1347, the feast day of the Annunciation, in Siena. Her twin sister died as an infant. As a child, she...

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Saint Pope Caius I

Pope St. Caius reigned for 13 years, from 283 to his death in 296 soon before the Diocletian persecution. He was related to Emperor Diocletian, who was responsible for one of the last major Christi...

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Saint Conrad of Parzham
Saint Emma of Lesum
Saint Hunna
Saint Teresa of the Andes

Saint Waltrude

St. Waltrude, sometimes referred to as St. Waudu or Waudru, was descended from a very holy family in Belgium. She was the daughter of Saints Walbert and Bertilia and the sister of St. Aldegunus of ...

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