Saint Robert Bellarmine

On October 4, 1542, Robert Bellarmine was born in Montepulciano, a town in Tuscany. A cardinal by trade, his uncle went on to become Pope Marcellus II. Just two years before his birth, the Jesuit o...

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Holy Name of Mary

The Battle of Vienna took place on September 12, 1683. The far bigger Ottoman Empire's forces were defeated by the Christian troops of the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ...

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Saint Peter Claver
Saint Cloud
Saint Magnus of Fussun
Saint Rosalia
Saint Gregory the Great

Saint Beatrice da Silva Meneses

St. Beatrice was born to Portuguese nobility in Cuerta, Portugal, in 1424. She was the daughter of the Count of Viana, and the sister of Saint Amadeus of Portugal. She was raised in the household ...

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