St. Chaeromon

Not much is known about the life of St. Chaeromon, other than the fact that he was an elderly bishop of Nilopolis in Egypt at the time Emperor Trajanus Decius started to persecute Christians severe...

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Pope Saint Damasus I

Early in the fourth century, Saint Damasus was born in Rome. There, his father—a widower—had taken Holy Orders and served as the parish priest at St. Laurence Church.In 355, Damasus held the...

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St. Nicholas
St. John of Damascus
St. Edmund Campion
St. Saturninus
St. James Intercisus

St. Cecilia

A virgin named Cecilia, who came from an incredibly wealthy family in Rome always invoked the saints, angels, and virgins. She fasted and begged them to protect her virginity while wearing a sackcl...

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