Saint Julia of Corsica

Born to aristocratic, noble parents in Carthage, St. Julia of Corsica was also known as St. Julia of Carthage or St. Julia of Nonza. Julia's family was taken from her during an attack b...

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Saint Isidore the Farmer

In the year 1070, Isidore was born in Madrid, Spain. His family was poor, and he worked as a farmer on the property of a wealthy man named John de Vergas. He was exceedingly religious and such a wo...

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Our Lady of Fatima
Saint Peter of Tarantaise
Saint Dominic Savio
Saint Joseph the Worker
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Saint Mark the Evangelist

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

“The Catholic religion is the faith of all ages. I fear not death.”- St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Fidelis was born in 1577 in Sigmaringen, Hohenzollern, modern-day Germany an...

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